
Krav Maga & Fitness

Krav Maga & Fitness

Fitness plays a determining factor in surviving a violent encounter. Despite the majority of real-life confrontations being extremely short physical fitness plays a significant part. Although adrenaline allows for the body to perform well beyond its normal limits, it can only do so for a relatively short period of time (ten to fifteen seconds), and then immediately afterwards puts the body into “recovery” mode. Our fight/flight response is designed to get us out of immediate danger, and adrenaline is basically the supercharged fuel accelerant that allows us to do this e.g., cover a short distance extremely quickly etc. It is not designed to be used for a prolonged amount of time. When the actual structure of a real-life encounter is studied there is usually a verbal exchange that precedes any physical attack. During this time the body will start to become adrenalized, even though that adrenaline is not being used to power muscles etc. This may mean that when the confrontation turns physical much of the adrenaline has been used up, which may result in part of the fight being conducted as the body goes into its recovery stage. This is why people in fights often describe their body as feeling heavy and their movements sluggish etc. The greater a person’s level of physical fitness the less severe will these symptoms be, as the body effectively has a “fitness reserve” from which to draw from.

Krav Maga places a strong emphasis on fitness training, which within the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) is referred to as “Cosher Kravi”, or Combat Fitness training. The Israeli Military have long understood how soldiers perform when fatigued by combat, or post adrenalin-dump, and recognize the need for a high level of fitness amongst its members. Krav Maga training is recognized for its fitness benefits and provides a good cardio-workout. It is not that Krav Maga classes focus on fitness but rather that as part of the training method participants are fatigued through the training so that it is possible to replicate what it will feel like in a real-life confrontation i.e., to provide a psychological, emotional, and physical reference point etc. This has the added benefit of improving fitness and burning calories etc. In fact Krav Maga training is a good way to get fit whilst learning fighting skills and developing the ability to defend yourself – something that doesn’t come from running on a treadmill etc.

Both aerobic and anaerobic systems are exercised during Krav Maga training. Through the practice of technique and skills the aerobic system is used and trained, whilst during stress and aggression training the body starts to use the anaerobic system i.e., working with an oxygen deficit, that it learns to replenish. This makes Krav Maga training a good, all-round, fitness workout, that trains a multitude of energy systems. As well as fitness training in our regular training, our school also provides personal training options, and options to use heavy bags and other gym equipment that we have on hand. To read more about our approach to fitness please click here.