If you are interested in personal training for fitness and well-being etc., please
click here.
There are 3 components to Reality-Based Self Defense: simple and effective techniques, aggression/survival mindset, and physical fitness. Although
you will get a good workout when you train Krav Maga with us, we like to focus on teaching techniques and developing fighting skills in our actual
Krav Maga classes, rather than treat them as simply a workout. That said, we do have a small dedicated gym area, that can be used by those looking
for personal or small group training (this is not included in the monthly Krav Maga membership.
Our gym is equipped with some very unique pieces of equipment that are normally only found in elite training centers and university gyms that have a
strong sporting tradition e.g. Atlas Stones, Strongman Log, Axles, Farmers Walk Handles, Resistance Sled etc. We also have a Rogue Cage, with pins for bands,
that also has lever arm attachments, enabling it to be turned into a Viking Press, or for performing explosive excercises such as Hang Cleans etc. There
are also several other attachments including a dip stand. Our gym is designed around strength and functional training as opposed to a gym such as
Planet Fitness, that is more cardio orientated with running machines and elliptical trainers etc.
The Gym at Krav Maga Yashir does offer Private and Small Group training opportunities, both for members of the school (at a discount), and members
of the public. Sessions can be booked for any amount of time, depending on goals, down to quick-hit, half hour sessions. The approach of our training
is functional, and every effort is made to injury-proof the body through the use corrective exercises and an emphasis on form and safety, while also
throwing enough variety at each workout to keep the body challenged and avoid plateaus. We use HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) drills, along
with strengthening and toning exercises to address the full range of needs of modern warriors, wherever they are in their fitness journey. We have
personal trainers who are Certified Strongman Instructors through both CrossFit and Global Strongman Gym (taught by World’s Strongest Man Svend
Karlsen), as well as TRX® Certified Instructors, available to help you meet your fitness goals.
At Krav Maga Yashir, there is an emphasis on empowering the individual to train and work towards their goals on their own, when they are away from
the school. To this end, we include an online program, flush with solo training drills and solo-focused classes, so that members aren’t reliant on
instructors/coaches to guide every part of their training. This approach extends to our fitness offerings – in addition to guiding your training
through formal sessions, we also look to empower you to improve the workouts, and everyday movements, that you undertake when you are outside of
the gym. The goal should never be to see short-term weight loss, or a quick “shred” for beach season, but to maintain a strong, healthy, and capable
body throughout life.
If you are interested in personal training, small group fitness classes etc. please use the button below to contact us.