Krav Maga Yashir Books
Krav Maga Books By Gershon Ben Keren
Books By Gershon Ben Keren

Krav Maga: Real World Solutions To Real World Violence
“Krav Maga – Real World Solutions to Real World Violence”, was shot in full color, using dynamic attackers, in the locations where real-life assaults occur; this is just one of the ways it differs from other Krav Maga and Self-Defense Books.
Rather than just show techniques, Gershon Ben Keren’s book, looks at the situations and scenarios in which real-life violence occurs, and shows not only solutions to such violent encounters, but also ways to predict, prevent and identify them before they occur. The book focuses on the types of attacks that predatory individuals engage in, whether armed or unarmed, such as muggings and abductions, and how to effectively deal with them should your ability to prevent them, be impossible.
I recommend this book for combatant instructors, martial arts enthusiasts, and laypeople with an interest in learning self-defense techniques.
The Military Review - Maj. John L. Hewitt III, U.S. Army, Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina
The book also looks at the times and situations where standard responses may fail e.g. if somebody is moving/slashing a knife so fast, and in such tight arcs, it may not be possible to block and control the weapon arm – solutions for such situations are shown.
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Krav Maga Tactical Survival: Personal Safety In Action
“Krav Maga – Tactical Survival”, builds on Gershon Ben Keren’s first book – “Krav Maga – Real World Solutions to Real World Violence”, and like it was shot in full color, using dynamic attackers, in the locations where real-life assaults occur; this is just one of the ways these books differ from other Krav Maga and Self-Defense Books.
This Is A Great Book For Those Who Want To Learn Clean Technique.
Roy Elghanyan - Former Krav Maga Head Instructor of Israeli Special Forces, and two-time recipient of the IDF Chief of Staff Award.
Whilst “Krav Maga – Real World Solutions to Real World Violence”, primarily concerned itself with predatory acts of violence, the focus of this book, was on social violence and spontaneous situations, where the aggressor has no stated outcome or goal, they are simply prompted to use violence due to some injustice that they believe they have received e.g. they believe a drink was spilt on them, or that they’ve been disrespected in some way. As well as looking at ways to deal with such common assaults, like grabs, headbutts, and bear-hugs etc. the book also contains a chapter on how to effectively de-escalate an aggressor contemplating the use of violence.
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Krav Maga Extreme Survival: Active Shooter, Carjacking & Home Invasion
“Krav Maga – Extreme Survival”, takes an in-depth look at three types of violent crime: active shooter/killer scenarios, car-jackings and home invasions. All the techniques and solutions contained in this book, are shown in their appropriate contexts e.g. the section on school shootings was filmed, in a school, with students playing the part of targets and victims (this section, is part of a larger piece of work, that contains solutions to workplace shootings involving “lethal employees”, and shootings/stabbings/killings in public spaces, such as restaurants etc.). The book has a strong focus on using the environment to your advantage, as part of the solutions you put in place, and like the previous two books, details methods for identifying and preventing violence before it occurs.
"Gershon Ben Keren Takes A Refreshingly Pragmatic Approach To Personal Safety, Making This Book An Excellent Choice. An Easy, But Informative Read."
Richard L. Barnard. Captain United States Air Force.
Whilst the situations detailed, are not the most common, they are the ones with the highest consequences, and so demand our respect and attention. Also, many of the preventative measures detailed, which are intended to prevent car-jackings and home invasions, will also prevent car-thefts and burglaries; so whilst we may prepare for the extreme, we will be preventing more likely crimes and acts of violence occurring.
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