Boston Krav Maga - Active Shooter Solutions

Active Shooter & Active Killer Response Training In Boston
Violence that targets the individual is largely predictable, that which targets groups is not. If a mugger targets you for a street robbery, etc., it is often possible to determine their intent towards you before they make an actual assault e.g. you may see them watching you (surveillance), moving towards you (synchronization of movement) etc. Because you are the target, you can identify that these signals directly relate to you. However, if you are at a shopping mall, a school, or an office building, where it is the location (and the people in it) which are targeted, it is likely that there won’t be any discernible signals or pre-violence indicators (PVI’s) that will alert you to the danger. If it is an active shooter in your location, the first thing that you may be aware of is that shots are being fired.
Because of the seriousness of the incident, and what appears to be so many odds stacked in the favor of the shooter(s), many people believe that there is nothing you can do, and that everything is purely down to luck, however in any situation there are always things that you can do to increase your survival chances. One important one is understanding your various escape routes, something that you should have an awareness of anyway, for fire safety. There are few locations that are truly new to us, if not completely familiar. Our place of work, should be one location where we are aware of all the entrance and exit routes (as well as points of concealment) – this should be part of our general situational awareness and should apply to any environment we spend time in. If there are shopping malls, or other places you regularly frequent, gain an understanding of the layout of these. Whilst we use the run, hide, fight model, you need to know where to run to and where to hide, and only a good understanding of your geography will give you this. You cane read more about active shooter situations by readin some of Gershon Ben Keren's blog articles on the subject, which can be accessed by clicking here
In this short video, we explain why our approach to dealing with an active shooter is to control the shooter and their weapon, rather than attempt to disarm them - unfortunately, many self-defense schools which train in military systems erroneously believe that military weapon disarming is suitable for all situations and contexts. This video is not intended as a comprehensive approach to dealing with all active shooter scenarios, but to give you some ideas of what you may be able to do in such situations. If you would like to bring this type of training into your company, school or organization, please click here.
We train solutions to long barrel weapons in our regular classes, treating them as another weapon that you may have to deal with. We explain the contexts in which you may experience them, and provide a variety of different solutions based on situational factors and components. We also teach solutions to short barrel weapons, both in active shooter scenarios as well as others e.g. muggings, abductions and hostage taking, etc.
Whilst we recognize that the threat/risk of being involved in an active shooter incident is low (along with having to deal with an assailant armed with a long barrel weapon), we also understand the high consequences that follow such incidents and want our students know what to do in them. The solutions we teach have been proven effective in real-life scenarios in Israel, and so we know that the information we provide and the techniques we demonstrate/practice can be relied upon when things go bad.
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