Boston Krav Maga - Travel Security

Travel Security In Boston
We offer a variety of courses and seminars that address travel security and personal safety issues. We train civilians, corporate professionals and executives, security personnel and a variety of agency personnel in how to predict, identify and avoid danger when travelling. We have standard seminar offerings, as well as those that can be extended and modified to meet a group or company's particular needs. We can also act in a consultancy role, helping businesses and enterprises formulate policies and procedures concerning their employees’ travel requirements, whilst travelling as part of their work.
Below, you will find an overview of the types of training we provide, and whilst most of our offerings are delivered "lecture" style, all of our trainers are qualified to teach self-defense and physical solutions to the types of violence an individual might face while travelling e.g. hostage/abduction scenarios, fighting in cars, etc. Please feel free to contact us with your travel security training requirements, and we will be happy to talk with you about the best way for us to deliver and meet them. You can contact us by clicking here. You can also read blog articles on aspects of travel security by clicking here.
We also offer Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) for executives and personnel who are required to work high risk, high threat environments, such as the Middle East, parts of South America, etc. These courses will prepare individuals to identify and counter surveillance tactics that various organizations may use, how to protect and hide sensitive information they have, and how to conduct themselves in a way in which they don't appear on a group or organization’s radar. If you or your company operate in high risk/high threat environments this is the most effective preparation you can take regarding you or your employee's safety.
To check when our next Travel Security Seminar that is open to the public is, use the button below. To read more about the different types of training we offer please click on the relevant accordion title.
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Travel security training is not just about hostage and kidnap scenarios, and is applicable even if you aren't intending to travel to a lawless region or country. As a non-local, you may be in an area you are not familiar with, using methods of transport you are not used to, and staying in accommodation whose security and protection you have little control over - however reputable a hotel may seem, they will employ people who may not be so reputable and who will have access to your room. In many developing countries, it is not uncommon for hotel staff to work together with local criminals - one of the reasons it is always better to arrange your own transport, such as taxi's and hire cars, rather than have the hotel do it for you.
Our basic 2-hour seminar, takes you through the planning and preparation phases of your journey, choosing where to stay, how best to get there, and how to act and behave once at your destination. We take an in-depth look at hotel security, and what steps you can take to mitigate the risks that go with staying in places away from home. This seminar will help you understand the various threats and dangers you are most likely to experience when travelling and how to predict, identify and avoid them.
This introductory seminar is not simply a list of travel "do's and don'ts" but an education into how criminal and terrorist groups target travelers and tourists, both domestically and internationally. It will give you a comprehensive introduction to their methods and how they can be avoided. This is not a self-defense course, but rather one that focuses on personal safety and self-protection, equipping you with the preventative measures that will allow you to avoid violence and prevent you from becoming a victim.
Whether you travel business or coach class, stay at five star resorts or in hostels, this seminar will provide you with the knowledge and skills to stay safe when you travel. Rather than teach skills which are only applicable to specific situations, this seminar equips attendees with a methodology and framework that they can apply to any potentially dangerous situation they might face.To see a list of all of our upcoming seminars, please click here, or click here to contact us about this seminar.
There are few executives whose jobs don’t, at some point in time, require them to travel, domestically and/or internationally. In the global marketplace, travelling for business is the norm rather than the exception and yet many executives are not well versed or trained in travel security; either in how to protect themselves, and/or keep secure any of the company's assets that they may have with them e.g. laptops, company data/information, etc.
This seminar covers journey planning and preparation, risk assessment and management, along with an education into the way criminals and terrorist groups operate, including the ways in which they both directly and indirectly target travelers either as individuals or as part of a group (such as when an individual is a passenger on a bus, train or plane, etc).
This seminar avoids the sensational, and looks to provide a serious and level-headed introduction to the subject of travel security. Rather than simply focus on the most extreme and less likely threats, the seminar is comprehensive in its approach, with an emphasis on the most likely threats you may face. Travel security and safety is not just about hijackings, hostage takings and other criminal/terrorist threats but about the mundane, the routine and the ordinary as well.
Rather than simply providing a list of safety tips when travelling, this seminar empowers executives to make dynamic risk assessments of the situations they are likely to face, along with solutions to them, and preventative measures that can be taken in order to avoid having to deal with them in the first place. Our approach is to equip executives, with the skills and knowledge that will allow them to identify, predict and avoid violence before it occurs.
This seminar runs for 2 hours but can be tailored and extended depending on a particular company, enterprise or group’s needs. If you would like to host one of these sessions, please use the contact form, below. If your company routinely conducts business in another country, we can modify training to address the specific security concerns of that region and the various considerations that need to be made when doing business there.
click here to contact us about conducting this seminar for your employees/executives.
There are certain places and certain occupations, which carry with them a higher risk of danger than others e.g. journalists, foreign correspondents and business personnel working in hostile environments. The threats that face these individuals, working in these locations are often more extreme and dangerous than those faced by individuals travelling to, and working in more politically and socially stable areas and environments.
If you are interested in Hostile Environment (HEAT) training, please contact us by clicking here.