Boston Krav Maga - Anti-Terror Training

Anti-Terrorism Training
Violence which targets individuals such as muggings, robberies, sexual assaults etc. are largely predictable; criminals follow a process, that comprises of identifiable steps and stages, which if understood allows potential victims to identify when they’ve been targeted, and take steps to prevent an actual assault occurring. Unfortunately, if you are part of a group which has been targeted, such warning signs rarely exist – nobody who went to work in the Twin Towers on 9/11 could have predicted or should have expected for terrorists to fly a plane into their place of work, and nobody eating out in Paris on Friday 13th 2015, could have predicted that they’d be targets of a shooting spree etc. However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t things you can do before and during such incidents to increase your survival chances, and these are some of the things we teach at Krav Maga Yashir Boston. Some of the skills you will learn are general, such as threat recognition, effective decision making under stress, decisiveness and fear management etc. whilst other are more specific, such as how to disarm somebody with a long barrel weapon such as an AK-47, or how to treat gunshot and shrapnel wounds etc. Our goal is not to teach how to neutralize terrorist threats (that is the role of the security agencies), but how you – and those with you – can survive a violent situation you find yourself in however great the odds stacked against you may seem.
It would be easy to be sensational and present the world you live in as one where you are under constant threat, however the truth of it is, that you are more likely to be involved in an aggressive and potentially violent dispute over a parking space or a spilt drink than you are to find yourself facing an active shooter. However, in saying this, the face of terrorism is changing, and rather than just targeting major events, such as the Boston Marathon, many groups are recognizing that it may be more effective to affect everybody’s day-to-day lives, and that doing so requires less organization and resources than attacking large-scale, high profile targets. If this trend continues, the likelihood of finding yourself involved in an act of terrorism will increase significantly – not to the point where it exceeds the chances of being mugged etc., but to the point where it becomes a more relevant risk/threat.
If you and your family were at a shopping mall where there was an active shooter, would you know what to do? Would you freeze, panic or simply hope that you hadn’t been seen? Would you have a plan to get yourself and your family members to safety, or would you hope that somehow you’d know what to do? The truth of the matter is that most of us have considered such scenarios, and concluded that there is nothing or little that you could do, or that there are so many different factors at play that it isn’t worth thinking about or planning a course of action. Many people have the same idea about plane crashes and fires; that it isn’t worth thinking about them until they occur, and when they do common-sense will prevail. The truth is there are things you can do in both plane crashes and acts of terrorism, if you understand how such situations play out, and what the important factors at play are. This however takes effort and education, and it is the individuals who train who increase theirs, and their friends and family’s survival chances.
We can’t train you how to dodge bullets or become impervious to bomb blasts, but we can teach you how to act and behave in such situations. How to correctly identify and assess a threat, and put a plan into action. We can teach you how to manage your fear (which is natural), and be decisive. We can equip you with the type of training, which is normally reserved for industry professionals and security professionals; something we do every day. Krav Maga, is a system of survival used every day by Israelis who are actively targeted by terrorism. What works on the streets of Tel Aviv, and the occupied territories will be proved effective in Boston, Massachusetts.
If you are interested in bringing this type of training to your company/organization, please click here. We also run occasional seminars looking at this subject; to see our upcoming seminars please click here.