
Krav Maga Yashir Boston Class Booking Form

All members wishing to attend class(es) at Krav Maga Yashir Boston, need to book classes in advance, using the form below – this allows the instructor team to both plan for class sizes in advance, and track attendance (something that is necessary for grading) etc.

Each class is 30-minutes in length, and you are able to book multiple classes at any one time e.g., if you wish to attend a 6 pm – 6:30 pm class, and a 6:30 – 7 pm class, you should hold the Ctrl/Cmd key down in order to select both i.e., to take an hour long class etc.

Classes are held at the following location: 165-E New Boston Street, Woburn, MA 01801

Krav Maga Yashir Class Booking Form

By booking a class I am agreeing to the terms and conditions for training that can be accessed by clicking here. Hold the Ctrl/Cmd key down in order to select multiple classes.

Terms & Conditions

If I am ever feeling unwell, I will stay home and not attend training, so as to protect the health and wellbeing of others in the school. I further agree to adhere to all requests made of me to maintain health and safety standards, by staff or through email, posted signs, etc, which may include wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, etc.

In consideration of being allowed to attend this Krav Maga class, I acknowledge that Krav Maga is a physical activity and that participation may result in serious injury including death, and or other damage, due not only to my actions, inaction or negligence, but also to that of others associated with and or present at these or other classes.

When participating in outdoor training, I understand that it is my responsibility to mitigate dangers posed to me in the environment, i.e. I will wear appropriate footwear and will bring my own sunblock, bug repellent, hat, water, etc, as needed.

Furthermore, I acknowledge that there may be risks not known to me and or not reasonably foreseeable at this time. I personally, totally and completely assume all risks involved or in any way related to my participation in this Krav Maga class whether known or unknown to me at the present time.

Participation in this Krav Maga class is voluntary and entirely of my own free will. I hereby represent and certify that I am in good physical condition, and have no diseases, injuries or other physical or mental conditions that would impair my ability to participate in the Krav Maga class.

I, my heirs, executors and successors hereby waive and claim of accidental and or negligent tort damages or injury against Krav Maga Yashir Boston and its instructors. I also certify that I am covered by a medical insurance plan and if asked will present the needed information for approval to attend and participate in one of the Krav Maga Yashir Boston classes.

Whilst training on the premises of Krav Maga Yashir, and/or at events and seminars organized or arranged by Krav Maga Yashir, I acknowledge that photographs or video may be taken, and I give Krav Maga Yashir permission to use these photographs and video containing my image for any and all purposes.

By registering for this class, I guarantee that in accordance with the rules of Krav Maga Yashir, I will not make any recording, in any format: video, audio, or photography, within the Krav Maga Yashir facility or at any Krav Maga Yashir event.