Boston Krav Maga - GI Training

Krav Maga Yashir GI Program
Our GI based Krav Maga classes, are open to students at Yellow Belt who are looking at following the “Lochem” track of our program. Our curriculum is divided into two parts: one looks purely at self-defense (Haganah Atmit), whilst the other is more concerned with a fighting approach and uses the training methods of other martial arts to build and develop skills – this is the approach to fighting developed by Dr Dennis Hanover and is known as Hisardut (Survival). In the video below you can watch Krav Maga Yashir Head Instructor, Gershon Ben Keren training with Dr Dennis Hanover.
When students have reached Yellow Belt they are invited to take part in this type of training (this is an optional form of training and is not necessary in order for a student to gain a Black Belt in Krav Maga). The training eventually involves full contact, bare-knuckle sparring (with this form of sparring head shots are not permitted), and incorporates throwing and groundwork from Judo/Ju-Jitsu etc. There is much more of an emphasis on developing fighting skills rather than learning “techniques”, and so there is a focus on footwork and movement drills, as well as building power in striking, along with accurate targeting etc.
Because this is a very different form of training to traditional Krav Maga, and is potentially more injurious, those wanting to follow this track have to develop competency in break-falling, along with the ability to control their power in sparring etc., so these are not classes that are immediately open to new members regardless of the number of years they have been training in Krav Maga or other martial arts. New students who can demonstrate the skills and proficiencies we require for these classes, during our regular classes, may be fast-tracked to Yellow Belt, at the discretion of the instructor team.
Anyone looking to join the school must first attend a 60-minute beginner Krav Maga class – regardless of previous experience – as this allows us to teach and present the training methods, including partner and pad-work drills etc. that we use in regular classes (without spending time having to do this in the actual classes). This also gives prospective students a chance to experience how Krav Maga is taught in Israel, as this is sometimes a new experience for practitioners who have experienced Krav Maga training in other countries where it may have undergone some modifications etc.
Use the button below to book a beginner seminar/class.
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