Boston Krav Maga - CQC Training

CQC Training In Boston
Few people have the natural ability to "flip the switch" and turn it on; most aren't in touch with their survival instinct and when confronted by aggression and violence, tend to back away and ignore the danger they're facing rather than try to confront and deal with it. Whilst there are times when de-escalation and disengagement are appropriate (see our section on self-protection which can be accessed by clicking here) there are also those situations which require engagement and confrontation. These are the times when any doubts and indecisions need to be put aside and action applied. There are three components to practical self-defense: 1. Simple techniques that can be recalled under pressure, 2. Physical fitness and 3. An aggressive and determined mindset/attitude.
We don't simply teach threat identification, avoidance, de-escalation and simple self-defense techniques but also the mindset and attitude that is needed to survive a violent encounter, and give "power" to the techniques and physical solutions that we teach and prescribe.
Sometimes it is necessary to reduce the techniques and skills that are taught back to the basic principles and concepts that they are founded on and let pure aggression and determination create the solutions to a variety of different situations and problems. This is at the heart of what we call "Animal Day" training. Rather than create an environment where techniques are able and allowed to work, we alter the situational components, including the compliance of the "aggressor(s)" to make sure that the target of the drill/exercise has to find their own solutions and ways through it, rather than simply perform a series of techniques in response to a number of controlled and predictable, attacks, threats and assaults.
Krav Maga is about using the body's natural and instinctual responses to power different techniques and responses to violent threats and attacks. Animal Day/CQB or CQC (Close Quarter Battle/Close Quarter Combat) training takes away the elements of time and distance that exists in most civilian assaults to create a train crash of a situation for a person to solve and deal with: solutions that can only rely on natural instinct and innate aggression. This is Krav Maga in its most raw and basic form.
This type of training is normally restricted to elite military units and Special Forces (SF), however we have adapted it to be applicable for civilians, taking out some of the more extreme physical elements and increasing the emotional and decision making factors, so it is not only safer, but more applicable to the type of pressure(s) that non-military personnel are likely to face. This type of training is not a fundamental part of what we do or offer but something that we make available to those students interested in testing themselves this way.
It is one of the strengths of our school that we can not only offer this type of training (and have the experience to do so) but can also do so in a safe (students where 14 Oz gloves, shin-guards etc), structured and controlled manner. Our years of experience training with Israel's most elite trainers has allowed us to offer this type of training in a way that makes sense and is understandable to our students.
Non-members are not eligible to take part in these CQC Krav Maga classes and seminars. In order to get a better idea of our system and approach to training and we do offer beginner/introductory classes for those who have yet to experience and gain exposure to our system/school. If you are interested in attending a beginner/introductory class please use the button below to book a class.
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