Krav Maga Yashir Boston
Free Women's Self-Defense Program
Free Women's Self-Defense Program in Boston
Krav Maga Yashir Boston has been offering a free women’s self-defense program in Boston since 2010. The program differs from the school’s Krav Maga program in the it looks
to address the types of aggression and violence that women in particular are likely to face e.g., rape, sexual assault, stalking etc. Whilst men can also be targeted and
victimized in these ways, they are types of violence and harm that are more likely to be experienced by women. Our program consists of four modules, listed below:
- Preventing Rape & Sexual Assault
- The Use of OC/Pepper & Defensive Sprays
- The Early Identification of Potentially Abusive Partners
- Dealing with Stalkers and Stalking
Our Women’s Self-Defense Program in Boston uses blended learning to teach the self-protection/personal safety part (this is taught online), and the physical self-defense piece (taught in-person at our training facility, located just north of Boston). All parts of the program are free, and there is no pressure or upsell to join our Krav Maga program. This is a program that we have been offering free to the Greater Boston and Massachusetts community since 2010. To see when the next module is being offered (these can be taken in any order), please click the button below (this will open in a new browser tab and take you to our dedicated women's self-defense Boston site).
Register For Class
Women’s Self-Defense Boston - Preventing Rape & Sexual Assault
As forensic psychologist Anna C. Salter, states, “The statistics for rape tell a very odd story. Women are least safe at home and least safe with friends, acquaintances, and family..
.the best thing we can do to protect ourselves is grow older.” (Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders, Basic Books, 2003). Whilst many will acknowledge the statistics
around rape and sexual assault – that most women who are sexually assaulted know their attackers, often quite well – many believe that such statistics only apply to others and not
themselves i.e., whilst other women are most likely to be raped/sexually assaulted by somebody they know I am more likely to be targeted by a stranger in a public rather than private
setting etc. This belief that statistics are for others and not for us is a common fallacy that can be found in all areas of life. A study that was done to investigate this phenomenon
asked people to answer questions regarding certain statistics. One of the questions was, “The average life expectancy of a US citizen is eighty-eight. How, long do you think you’ll
live for?” Nobody put eighty-eight or less. Everybody believed that they would buck the statistic, even though it was an average that showed that not everybody lived till they were
eighty-eight. Rather than present rape and sexual assaults as just occurring by strangers we also teach how predatory individuals/sexual predators who may be work colleagues, friends
and acquaintances target and access those they plan to victimize. By recognizing the methods and processes they use it is possible to identify and avoid those who mean you harm.
Women's Self-Defense Boton - The Use of OC/Pepper & Defensive Sprays
OC/Pepper Sray is often looked on as a self-defense tool for women, when really it is an effective self-defense tool for all genders e.g., it is one of the tools that law-enforcement have on their belt etc.
Our program teaches about the distinct types of spray (cones/foggers, streams, foams, and gels etc.), and their applicability e.g., when to use them in which environment, along with their
various strengths and weaknesses. Pepper Spray is legal to own and carry in Massachusetts and no longer requires an FID (Firearms Identification License) and application etc. The only
restrictions are that those carrying it must be eighteen or over and that it can’t be posted/delivered in the mail. We prescribe OC/Pepper Spray over CS Spray, as it is an inflammatory
rather than an irritant and takes effect almost immediately. We advocate using it as a Distractant, that provides you the necessary time to safely disengage from a potential assailant/aggressor.
Whilst using defensive sprays aren’t complicated there are some common “mistakes” which can render its use ineffective; our program addresses these, including the correct way to hold and
deploy sprays.
The Early Identification of Potentially Abusive Partners
This part of our program isn’t designed for women who are already in abusive relationships and/or dealing with intimate partner violence, but rather at highlighting some of the common warning signs
that are usually present in the early stages of a relationship that may offer a warning of potential future abuse whether that is psychological, emotional, physical, sexual and/or financial etc. Often
the signals that potential abusers give off are subtle, and not the types of things that are seen as being particularly significant. However, they are identifiable with the right knowledge and skillset.
By educating women as to these early warning signs/signals it gives them the opportunity to address potential issues and/or leave the relationship before it develops into one where their options become
more limited. Also, by ending such relationships in their initial stages partners feel that they have invested less, and are more likely to accept it, rather than feel the need to continue it via a
stalking campaign.
Women's Self-Defense Boston - Dealing with Stalkers and Stalking
Whilst men do experience stalking, which in some jurisdictions is legally referred to as harassment (this is the case in Massachusetts), it is predominantly women who are the targets of stalking campaigns.
As with many forms of aggression and violence, stalking is determined not so much by the activities of stalkers but how such activities effect the individual being targeted e.g., it is not so much the amount
of unwanted communication, gifts etc., a person receives but how such actions and behaviors makes them feel; in one case unwanted communication may merely be seen as annoying, however in another case a
person may feel threatened and uneasy because of it; it is this interpretation which is key in determining whether a person’s behavior constitutes stalking/harassment or not. In most cases stalking campaigns
against women are committed by ex-intimate partners rather than by strangers – as with most forms of aggression and violence where women are targeted it is by people they know. There are proven methods for
dealing with stalkers and these are taught as part of our women’s self-defense and personal protection program. To see when our next module is scheduled, please use the button below (this will open a
new tab in your browser and take you to our dedicated women’s self-defense Boston site).
Register For Class