Krav Maga Blog Articles

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Krav Maga Yashir Boston Blog
Gershon Ben Keren has been writing his weekly blog since 2012, and it currently comprises of over 600 articles ranging from subjects such as avoiding and preventing being the victim of a “vehicular ramming” through to technical posts, concerning the correct use of head movement in setting up effective striking combinations etc. With master’s degrees in Criminology and Criminal Psychology his blog articles often apply academic research and thinking to personal safety issues and self-defense. The blog is entirely searchable however it is also organized into various taxonomies, so that articles can be seen next to other related ones etc. If you are interested in reading around a particular category and its subcategories, please look at the various classifications listed below, and select the group that is of interest to you (most articles are around one thousand words and will take somewhere between three to five minutes to read).
Krav Maga Articles
You can browse/view all Krav Maga articles, organized by sub-classifications by clicking here, however if you are interested in going directly to a particular set of articles please use the links below:
- General Krav Maga Articles
- Krav Maga Strategies and Principles
- Armed Techniques & Solutions
- Krav Maga Training Methods
- Krav Maga Stances & Movement
- Krav Maga Techniques
- Striking (Upper & Lower Body Combatives)
- Blocking
- Krav Maga Throws & Takedowns
- Ground Fighting & Ground Survival
- Krav Maga Active Shooter Solutions
- Combat Fitness (Cosher Kravi) Training
- Terrorism & Anti-Terrorism
Personal Safety & Self Protection Articles
You can browse/view all Personal Safety articles, organized by sub-classifications by clicking here, however if you are interested in going directly to a particular set of articles please use the links below:
- General Personal Safety Articles
- Personal Safety & Criminal Processes
- Effective Decision Making
- De-escalation & Conflict Resolution
- Managing Fear & Adrenaline
- Personal Safety & Psychology
- Risk Mitigation And Management
- Situational Awareness (SA)
- Child Safety & Security
- Travel Security
Criminology Articles
You can browse/view all Criminology articles, organized by sub-classifications by clicking here, however if you are interested in going directly to a particular set of articles please use the links below:
- General Criminology Articles
- Criminological Theories
- Environmental Criminology
- Property Crime
- Victimology
- Violent Crime
Forensic Psychology Articles
You can browse/view all Forensic Psychology articles, organized by sub-classifications by clicking here, however if you are interested in going directly to a particular set of articles please use the links below:
Self-Defense Articles
You can browse/view all Self-Defense articles, organized by sub-classifications by clicking here, however if you are interested in going directly to a particular set of articles please use the links below:
- General Self-Defense Articles
- Legal Concepts Articles
- Women's Self-Defense Articles
- Group Violence & Multiple Attacker Articles
Martial Arts Articles
You can browse all articles on the Martial Arts, aspects of Krav Maga by clicking here.
Boston Crime Articles
You can browse all articles on crimes committed in Boston by clicking here.