Personal Safety & Self-Protection Blog Articles
The goal of any personal safety/self-protection training is to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to prevent, predict, identify and avoid violence using context driven strategies and solutions. This section of the blog is organized into general articles, and the following specific sections: Criminal Processes, Decision Making Under Stress & Duress, De-escalation, Managing Fear & Adrenaline, Psychology of Violence, Risk Mitigation & Management, Situational Awareness, Child Safety & Security and, Travel Security. To have a look at all of the various categories of the blog, please click here.
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- The Role Of Third Parties & Bystanders In Incidents Of Violence
- The Importance of Self Protection
- Relationship Abuse
- Self Protection: Gaining Defense In Depth
- Perceptions of Violence
- Intervening on Behalf of Strangers
- Removing Heads From Sand
- The False Safety of Crowds
- Would You Ever Get Into A Car With A Stranger?
- It'll never happen to me
- Parking Lots
- Personal Safety/Personal Responsibility
- Worst Case Scenarios
- Dogs & Self Protection
- Assertiveness
- Situational Visualization
- OC/CS Spray
- Pepper Spray - Types & How To Use Them
- Adult Bullying/Workplace Bullying
- Convincing Others
- Holiday Shopping Safety
- Walking Away
- Car Services, Taxi's, Crimes & Assaults
- Location - Accepting Reality
- Investment, Optimism & Expectations
- Empowerment Through Personal Safety
- Color Codes & The Timeline of Violence
- Not Limiting Yourself By The Obvious
- Treating Each Step towards Disaster as Normal
- The Value & danger of Experience
- Returning To The Scene Of The Crime
- Justification & Secondary Motives
- Justification For Violence
- Becoming An Active Bystander
- Workplace Violence
- Responsibility And Blame
- Intervening In Domestic Disputes
- What If
- Ignore Them And They Will Go Away
- Personal Safety Blind Spots
- Dog Attacks
- Cyberbullying Adults And Children
- Speaking Out
- Exceptions To The Rules
- Workplace Violence (Trespass)
- Personal Safety & Social Media
- Big Picture Violence
- Jargon And Terminology
- Runners Safety
- Predators & Socially Awkward Situations
- Prescriptive Solutions Vs Situational Solutions
- Violence Towards Animals
- Existential Honor
- Codes And Jargon
- Planning & Preparation
- Relationship
- Security For Elderly Relatives
- Devices As Safety Nets
- Slow In Fast Out
- Working The Pre-Conflict Phase
- Paranoid or Prepared
- Motive
- Spy Tips & Real Life
- The Dangers Of Being Polite
- The Other End Of The Aggression Spectrum
- Fight/Flight: Is it Relevant?
- Routines
- Living With Fear
- Self-Talk & Inner Speech
- Developing A Survival Personality
- Dropping The Call
- Pepper Spray As A First Response
- How Tidying Up Can Save Your Life
- What Ifs
- Why We Walk Down Dark Alleys
- Call Me
- Enforcing Boundaries
- Unintended Consequences
- Elevators Versus Stairs
- The Reluctance To Be Wrong
- Groupthink
- Why We Don't Back Down
- Domestic Violence & Sheltering In Place
- Ignoring the Predator in the Room
- How to turn $20 into $15 000
- Following The Science
- The Illusion of Control
- Competing Outcomes
- Parcel Bombs
- Preventing E-Bike Thefts
- Female Sexual Predators
- Incels & Violence
- Cross Body Bags & Personal Safety
- Virtual Rapes
- The Danger Of Being Right
- Grudges & Revenge
- Digital Deception (Part One)
- Digital Deception (Part Two)
- Home Security & The Vulnerabilities of External Doors
- Cell Phone Security
- Hazing
- Stalking And The Counterman Case
- Scams
- Confronting Burglars
- Microaggressions
- Relying On Technology For Personal Safety
- Air Travel & Personal Safety
- Why Street Robberies Are Largely Committed by Groups
- Changing Routines To Improve Personal Safety
- When & When Not To Apologize
- Entryway Behaviors & Violence
- Social Awkwardness – Saying No
- The Apple River Stabbing
- Personal Safety Lessons from A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
- Raoul Moat – The Media & Violence
- First Impressions
- Moving House
- The Motivators & Motivations Behind Street Robberies
- How Personal Safety Tips Disarm Us
- The War Poets & the Romanticization of Violence
- Shakespeare & the Exploration of Violence
- Laptop Cameras and Security
- Firearm Ownership: Rights & Responsibilities
- Think Like The Predator
- The 5 Step Predator Process
- The Post Conflict Phase of Violence
- Real Life Predator Process
- Synchronization Of Movement
- Predicting Violence Through Movement
- Timeline of Violence
- Gaining Access
- Scripts
- The 5-Step Predator Process Explained
- The Art of Persuasion Recognizing When You Are Being Played
- Premeditated Violence The Fantasy, Planning & Preparation Phases
- Target Search
- Victim Selection
- Surveillance
- Synchronization
- Strike Phase
- Peripheral Doubts
- Denial, Deliberation, Decision Loop - Deliberation
- Reaching Decisions, Acting & Choosing the Right Time to Act
- Visual Decision Making
- The Disadvantage of Time
- Decisiveness
- Heuristics & Planning
- Decision Trees
- Simplified Thinking (How Children Think)
- Emotional Intelligence
- Freezing Vs Reluctance To Act (Part 1)
- Freezing Vs Reluctance To Act (Part 2)
- Peripheral Doubts
- Critical Vs Cult-like Thinking
- Options In Context
- Attribution Errors & Biases
- Choices
- The OODA Loop
- Walking The Line
- Consequences
- Seemingly Unimportant Decisions
- Stereotypes
- Bounded Rationality
- Violence & Moments of Madness
- Dealing With Angry People - De-escalation
- Lessons From Hostage/Crisis Negotiators
- Dealing With Anger
- De-escalation - Saying Sorry
- Backing Down & Backing Away
- Krav Maga And Conflict Resolution
- De-escalation, Reflective Listening & Non-Complimentary Behavior
- Conflict Communication & Active Listening
- Communication Content
- Win-Win Outcomes
- Conflict Negotiation
- Active Listening
- De-escalate Everything
- Social Information Processing
- The Effects Of Emotions On Social Information Processing
- Another Look At Active Listening
- Active Listening & Changing Behaviors
- Communicating in Conflict
- Letting People Be Wrong
- The Monkey Dance
- Self Protection Continued - Peoples Instinct For Anger
- Adrenaline (Part 1)
- Adrenaline (Part 2)
- Adrenaline (Part 3)
- Fear Versus Anxiety
- Fear As Context
- Laughing In The Face Of Danger
- Benefits Of The Freeze Response
- Recovering From A Fight
- Cognitive Emotional And Physiological Responses To A Threat
- Stress & Resilience
- Moving From One World To the Next
- Overreacting: Why we respond to social threats in the same way as physical ones
- Resiliency
- It Would Never Happen To Me
- Respect As A Limited Commodity
- Inhibitors to Action
- Internal & External Aggression
- Try Me - The Confusion Between Empowerment And Safety
- Interpreting Faces
- Rituals & Conflicts
- Social Information Processing
- Social Information Processing (Part Two)
- Socially Sanctioned Violence
- Groupthink And Conformity
- Self-Defense And Pavlov's Dogs
- Interpreting Emotions
- Violence And Pull Factors
- Survivor Bias
- Trauma Bonding
- Stockholm Syndrome
- Aggression, Social Learning Theory & Bandura’s Bobo Doll
- Freud’s Instinct Theory of Aggression
- The Conjunction Fallacy (The Linda Problem) & Personal Safety
- Working Memory & Self-Defense
- Training To Survive
- The Dynamic Risk Assessment - The Denial, Deliberation & Decision Loop
- The Dynamic Risk Assessment
- Threats, Promises, Intimidation & Statements of Intent
- Risk Assessments
- Applying Risk Management
- Prospective Hazard Analysis
- Reading The Threat
- Emergency Preparedness & Risk Registers
- Risk: A Broader Perspective
- An Actuarial Approach to Making Risk Assessments
- Appraising Threats
- Unknown Risk
- The Vantasner Danger Meridian
- Scanning - Control Of The Environment
- Interpreting Body Language
- Mobile Phones & Personal Safety
- Situational Awareness
- Denial - Recognizing The Signs
- Warning Signs
- Intent
- Cell Phones
- Falling for Predator's "Traps"
- Interpreting Body Language (Revisited)
- Natural Surveillance & Bystanders
- Situational Awareness - The Environmental Aspect
- Scanning
- Baselines
- The Pertinent Negative
- Situational Awareness, Mindfulness & Curiosity
- Intent (Revisited)
- Different Situations Different Solutions
- Labeling And Situational Awareness
- Situational Training & The Unconscious Mind
- Cues And Tells
- Responding to Surveillance
- Flash Mobs & Civil Unrest
- Civil Unrest Part 2
- Security Overseas
- Security Overseas - Part 2
- Improvised Weapons (Security Overseas Part 2.5)
- Travel Security - Airport Pickups
- School And Airport Safety/Security Etc & How We Address Security Issues In Our Personal Lives
- Ride Sharing Services
- Kidnappings And Risk Assessments
- Air Rage
- Travel Security Lessons
- Preparing For Travel
- Civil Unrest
What is Personal Safety & Self-Protection?
Whilst most people are familiar with the idea of self-defense i.e., physical techniques that can be used to legally defend a person from a violent assault etc., many don’t realize that there is a whole preventative side to personal safety known as self-protection; self-defense is what you implement, when your self-protection processes and tactics fail etc. Self-protection requires an education into how offenders engage various criminal activities, including violent crimes. It looks at the different criminal processes that are used to gain access to people and assets, and the decision-making factors that are at play when offending. By understanding how offenders think, plan and act along with the locations that they find are conducive to certain crimes, it becomes possible to predict, identify and avoid being victimized by predatory individuals. If avoidance is not an option, then early identification of a threat/danger means that we have the time to better prepare ourselves to deal with it physically, rather than being taken by surprise i.e., it is good self-protection that allows our self-defense techniques and skills to be effective etc.
By recognizing that not all violence is the same e.g., some incidents are internally driven and motivated by perpetrators with specific goals (muggings and street robberies etc.), whilst others are the result of external factors that cause individuals to become aggressive and violent spontaneously, such as being knocked into and/or having a drink spilt over them etc. By understanding the differences between various types of violence it is possible to employ appropriate strategies for avoiding a physical confrontation, such as when to use de-escalation, and when it might be better to acquiesce to a demand e.g., handing a wallet over to an armed assailant engaged in a street robbery etc. There is a very real danger in trying to treat all physical threats as being one and the same and not understanding what is actually at play in a real-life act of aggression etc. and that different situations require different solutions; many of them not involving physical self-defense.
A large part of the self-protection equation is having good situational awareness, and whilst many in the security industry advocate for individuals to have a greater level of awareness when out in public etc. rarely do they inform as to what it is people should be aware of e.g., what constitutes a suspicious activity that could contain harmful intent etc. Although running without headphones does allow a person to be more aware and concentrate what is going on in the environment, if they don’t know what danger looks like then even if they spot I, they won’t identify it as such. Developing good situational awareness means educating ourselves as to what danger does look like, as well as what it doesn’t i.e., we don’t want to be responding to false alarms etc. The articles contained in the section look at informing and teaching the reader about different types of violence and how incidents can be avoided and dealt with using non-physical solutions. By developing self-protection skills and not relying on physical self-defense techniques, means that a person has more tools in their toolbox for dealing with aggressive and potentially violent events.