Krav Maga Blog Articles
Rather than simply being a martial arts style or a system of self-defense that is defined by the techniques that it teaches etc., Krav Maga meaning "Contact Combat" in Hebrew is a coneptual framework, of principles and fighting ideas, from which techniques and solutions are developed from. The Krav Maga area of Gershon Ben Keren's blog looks to describe and explain how the system works and the strategies and principles it uses etc. Please click on a sub-topic to see articles on that subject matter, and/or click on the Krav Maga article titles to be taken to them. Krav Maga Articles are grouped as the following: General Articles about Krav Maga, Krav Maga Strategies and Principles, Armed Techniques & Solutions, Krav Maga Training Methods, Krav Maga Stances & Movement, Krav Maga Techniques, Striking (Upper & Lower Body Combatives), Blocking, Krav Maga Throws & Takedowns, Ground Fighting & Ground Survival, Krav Maga Active Shooter Solutions, and Combat Fitness (Cosher Kravi) Training. To take a look at all the blog articles click here.
Search The Blog
- Being Tough
- Distinguishing Characteristics of Krav Maga
- Improvised Weapons Re-Visited
- Is Krav Maga Relevant
- Subtleties & Fine Details
- That Will Never Work On The Street
- Using Items As Intended
- What's Your Krav Maga?
- Secret Killing Techniques
- Mantras and Dealing In Violence
- Consistency
- Ord Wingate & The Foundations of Krav Maga
- Principles As Limitations
- Reading Attackers
- Krav Maga Things To Work On
- Fighting - The "Rules" of the Street
- Attack The Attack, Attack The Attacker
- Retzef & Attacking Soft Targets
- Using The Body's Natural Defenses
- Simultaneous Blocks & Counters
- 10 Principles Of Fighting
- 10 Principles of Fighting - Principle 2
- 10 principles of Fighting - Principle 3
- 10 Principles of Fighting - Principle 4
- 10 Principles of Fighting - Principle 5
- Principle 9
- Principle 10
- Being Realistic In What We Expect
- The Evolution of "The Street Fight" & Krav Maga
- The Moral Authority To Act
- Meeting Force With More Force
- Defense & Attack
- Beyond Survival - Learning To Let Go
- Giving Up
- Choking Under Pressure
- Meeting Violence With Violence
- Screaming & Shouting
- Disruption Before Execution
- Disrupt, Damage, Destroy, Disengage
- Multiple Assailants
- Situational Self Defense
- Sink, Swim or Float?
- Inflicting Damage on Others
- Protecting Friends & Family Members etc.
- Dirty Fighting - Eye Gouges, Biting and Spitting
- Becoming Versatile
- Not Wanting To Hurt People
- How Simple Is Simple?
- When Instead Of How
- Sun Tzu & Death Ground
- Control Of Range
- Using The Environment To Your Advantage
- Protecting Fingers
- Using Natural Responses to Your Advantage
- The Flinch or Startle Reflex
- Fighting Dirty
- What Happens Next
- Commitment
- Creating Hesitancy
- Krav Maga Concepts & Principles
- Armed Assaults
- Guns, Knives & Videotape
- Edged Weapons
- UK/US Gun Culture & Connecticut Shootings
- Reverse Knife Slashes, Natural Instincts & Working To Principles
- Reality Based Knife Training
- Joining The Dots - Spoiling Weapon Draws
- Violence As A Last Resort
- Notes On Firearm Disarms
- What To Do After Disarming A Firearm
- Defensive Knife Carry
- Weapons Vs Targets
- Knife Attacks - Pre-Violence Indicators
- Why Would Somebody Attack You With A Knife?
- Acid Attacks
- London Calling - Lessons We Can Learn From London's Knife Attacks
- Knives In Context
- Stick, Pipe and Bat Attacks
- Grappling with Knives
- Knife Attacks From A Research Based Perspective
- The Realities of Knife Attacks
- Using Weapons “Hot” & “Cold”
- Training With Different Partners
- Training In Different Environments
- Being The Athlete/Person You Want To Be
- Beyond Technique
- Habituation
- The Right Balance of Training
- Honesty In Training
- The Place Of Non-Compliance In Training
- CQB/CQC Training
- Being Tough - CQC Training
- Drilling
- Starting 2013 On The Right Footing
- New Year's Resolutions
- Lessons From Close Protection Training
- Environmental Training - Beach Training
- Sparring Training
- Visualization
- Gradings & Lifting Weights
- Training With Heroes
- Training Partners
- Multi-Dimensional Training
- Never Stop Learning
- Testing Your Models of Violence
- Training for Reality - Putting the Pieces Together
- Always Room For Improvement
- Failing & Failure
- Specificity
- Rushing It
- Heavy Bag Workouts
- Working Under Pressure
- Why Scenario Based Training Is Essential For Krav Maga
- Training Vs Reality
- Training Methods That Can Mislead
- Training To Improvise
- Multi-Phase & Multi-Dimensional Training
- Training With Partners
- Drills and Skills
- Experiential Learning: Education Versus Instruction
- Skills and Attributes
- Multi-Dimensional Training Partners
- Skills And Feedback
- Context Appropriate Training
- Understanding & Setting Goals
- Training Components
- Institutionalization versus Individualism
- Solo Training
- Training While Aging
- One Size Doesn't Fit All
- Training Outside Your Comfort Zone
- Breaking Through A Plateau
- Play
- Street Robberies From A Research Based Perspective
- Rules And Discipline In Training
- Solutions Not Techniques
- The Power Behind The Punch
- Principle 6 - Power Punching
- Combatives & The Combative Mindset
- Punching Problems - Fixing Common Errors (Part 1)
- Punching Problems - Fixing Common Errors (Part 2)
- Knockout Strikes, Continued Assaults & Killing Grounds
- Preemptive Striking
- The Myth Of The Krav Maga Groin Strike
- The Myth of Striking
- The Illusion Of Speed
- Telegraphing
- Hammer-fists and Forearm Strikes
- Using Your Head
- 5 Methods For Dealing With Strikes
- Body Shots
- Accuracy & Power
- Roundhouse Kicks
- Hook Punches
- Landing The First Strike
- Increasing the Power of the Jab
- Lessons In Striking
- Fighting A Southpaw
- Liver Shots
- Striking Rhythms
- Palm Strikes Or Punches
- Power Slaps
- Trebuchets & Roundhouse Kicks
- School Shootings (Part 1)
- School Shootings (Part 2)
- School Shootings And Islamic Terrorism
- Mass Shootings In The US Versus Knife Crime In The UK
- Active Shooters
- Active Shooter - Run, Hide, Fight (Running)
- Active Shooter (Part 2) - Hide, Fight
- Active Killer Emotions & Motivations
- Not All Mass Shootings Are The Same
- Active Killers & Suicidal Ideation
- Active Killers & Injustice Collectors
- Similarities Between University & Workplace Shootings
- The Ineffectiveness of Various School Policies in Preventing Active Shooter Incidents
- Mass Shootings & America's Violent Holidays
- Mass Shootings in 2023
- Last Resort - A Risk Factor
- Boston Marathon, Terrorism & The Future
- Terrorism & Personal Safety - The Next Steps
- Some Lessons From The Terrorism Awareness Course
- Terrorist Attacks, Workplace Violence & Evacuation Strategies
- Marathon Weekend
- Nice Truck Attack
- Terrorism & Mental Illness
- How To Get Guns Into A Government Building
- Lone Wolf Terrorism & ISIS
- Manchester Terror Attacks
- Vehicle Ramming Attacks
- Mass Killers and Environmental Factors
- Extremism And Violence
Krav Maga & Krav Maga Blog Articles
Krav Maga is a reality-based self-defense system that was first developed in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) with the goal of getting an untrained soldier combat ready in hand-to-hand fighting in the shortest possible time. The system provides techniques and solutions to armed and unarmed attack, committed by individuals or groups (multiple assailants), whether a person is standing, seated or on the ground etc. The system attempts to use and reuse a few common simple movements, that techniques share, to reduce the number of solutions a person has to learn and remember. This makes Krav Maga a self-defense system that is quick to learn and easy to remember and apply under stress and duress etc. Gershon Ben Keren – who has been writing the blog since January 2012 - is a 5th Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga, and a 2010 inductee into the first Museum of Israeli Martial arts. He has also written three Amazon Best Selling Books on Krav Maga.
The blog articles on Krav Maga, are divided up into several sections. The general section has articles about Krav Maga, including its use and categorization of improvised weapons etc. The strategies and principles section looks at the underlying principles and concepts upon which Krav Maga is founded and how these influence the tactics, strategies, and solutions that the system uses. In the Armed Solutions section, there are articles about how Krav Maga deals with armed attacks and threats, and how threats and attack, differ both in intent and execution. One of the things which distinguishes Krav Maga from many other martial arts and self-defense systems, is the way that techniques and fighting skills are trained. The section on Krav Maga training methods looks to explain how Krav Maga is practiced. There are also sections on specific techniques, the different stances that are used in Krav Maga and the importance of effective and efficient movement etc.
Krav Maga as a physical system comprises of striking (punches, eye-gouges, palm strikes, elbows, and headbutts etc. which are referred to as “Upper Body” combatives, along with Kicks and knee strikes that are known as “Lower Body” combatives), blocking, throwing, and ground-fighting, that all have their own specific sections, containing individual articles about these various aspects of Krav Maga. There is also a dedicated section on how Krav Maga deals with active shooter and active killer incidents, as Israeli was one of the first countries to experience this form of violence and terrorism on a large scale. There is also a section looking at fitness and conditioning as Krav Maga training is acknowledged as one of the most effective all body workouts that you can get.
These articles are being added to on a weekly, sometime by weekly, basis, and so this content is always being updated and added to.